2015 Women of the Year

Palma Patrucci Gallegos

Sales and Marketing professional turned health and wellness advocate…rough personal challenges with her third child who was born with food allergies and asthma, Palma collaborated with the medical expertise of Dr. Inderpal Randhawa to establish the Long Beach Miller Children’s Hospital Food Allergy Center. Currently, Palma is one of the Directors and Founding Supporters of the newly launched Translational Pulmonary and Immunology Research Center which sponsors and models Advocacy-supported research.


Angie Kardashian

Restaurant owner and Chamber of Commerce CEO turned Community volunteer and Humanitarian…donating hot meals to local Military and their families, mentoring and raising funds/scholarships for local high school students, member of the police Advisory board, Red Cross volunteer, works with challenged athletes and abused children. Aer 911, Angie created her “Cooking Ministry” to cook for 103 Firehouse companies. Currently, competing in the Miss Senior California Pageant.


Pam Luckey

Real Estate professional dedicated to her local Community. Volunteers in local school’s Pen Pal Program, on the Board of Directors of Fisher House Foundation and actively working on building a house on campus for Soldiers receiving treatment at the Long Beach, VA hospital to stay, member of Steel Magnolias which actively supports Stramski Children’s Developmental Center at Long Beach Miller Children’s Hospital.


Fatimat Yusuf Olukoju

Born in Nigeria, the 6th child of 9 siblings total, where boys are valued more than girls. After being introduced to Running by a Missionary, Fatimat made a choice to be different from her mom and 5 sisters….she kept running competitively and had several accomplishment: 1st place winner in the World Jr. Champions, held many African race time records and was a 2 time Olympian and Silver Medalist. She moved to the USA in 1993 and became a Social Worker, married and had 2 children… but her true love and passion was Fitness and Nutrition. An American Dream came true. when she opened Village Coach Fitness to help others to a road of better health and life changing results.


Sherry Ward

Sherry is a professional credentialed counselor, educator and business woman as well as an inspiring author and current owner of a publishing company. Sherry’s passion is through her spirituality of words and actions to encourage others and give them hope in times of need. Despite her own family’s health challenges, Sherry’s heart of grace, kindness, giving, love and unselfishness is towards those who need courage despite their circumstances.


Judy Watson

Philanthropist and Honorary Doctorate of Human letters, Judy is dedicated to education and literacy, human welfare and public art. Judy is CSUSB’s number one supporter of Education and Art fundraising and is the naming benefactor of the Watson Literary Center. The Judy Watson Public Art Program equips MA students an opportunity to provide sculptures through the city of San Bernadino, and is chairperson to raise funds for victims of the Seal Beach Salon Metitage Massacre. Additionally, Judy is on the Board of Directors for the San Bernadino Symphony and volunteers at a local Seal Beach elementary school to tutor underprivileged low income students.


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2016 Woman of the Year